Journalism 2014-2015
[Click the thumbnails to see all the monthly winners] |
87 Entries from 19 clubs.
Judged by Albert Lea Lens & Shutter Club

September 2014 |
88 Entries from 18 clubs. Judged Southwest Iowa
Shutterbugs Club

October 2014 |
86 Entries from 19 clubs.
Judged by Minnesota Valley Photo Club

November 2014 |
99 Entries from 20 clubs. Judged by Central Iowa Camera

January 2015 |
92 Entries from 21 clubs. Judged by Omaha Camera Club

February 2015 |
88 Entries from 20 clubs. Judged by Duluth-Superior
Camera Club

March 2015 |
73 Entries from 20 clubs. Judged by Saint Paul Camera

April 2015 |
86 Entries from 18 clubs. Judged by Sioux Falls Camera

May 2015 |